• Course name Bandsaw Troubleshooting
    Duration 1 week at Creswick plus project/assignment work
    This one-week course is intended to assist operators and supervisors to correctly set up, align, and troubleshoot cutting/operation problems. Develop in participants transferable and work-based knowledge of the mechanical and saw blade design principles required for a successful sawing process. Provide the type of information that will improve workplace communication and decision making in respect to avoiding or solving saw blade and machine related problems. It is not intended as a hands-on sawyer course, but to give background into efficient running of the saws. Participants will be required to complete a data sheet in relation to the saws at their workplace before attending. 8-12 participants.
  • Will be by demonstration of skills and answering related questions.
  • Course Content 1. Principles of the sawing process, saw blade design, and basic maintenance. 2. Calculations based around the saw blade and sawing process. 3. Overview of bandmill alignments including wheels and saw guides. 4. Overview of bandmill wheels and wheel face profiles. 5. Effects of all of the above on sawing efficiency. 6. Identifying and solving saw blade and bandmill related problems. 7. Project – Feed speed versus cutting depth graph. 8. Case studies of saw and bandmill related problems. Note: All information in the form of theory, overviews, and introduction to principles is specific to the sawing process and sawing problems at the bandmill.
  • Enrolment in FWP30311 Certificate III in Sawmilling & Processing
  • FWPCOT3216B Assess and Maintain Saw Performance (40 hrs) FWPSAW3209B Align Sawing Production Systems (40 hrs)
  • FWP11 Pathways Chart
  • $725.00 per person ($9.06/sch including materials) 2014 VTG Subsidised: The student fee is indicative only and subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student services and amenities fees. Indicative Tuition Fee: $200.00 (State Government of Victoria Subsidised) Materials Fee: $40.00 Total Cost: $240.00 ($725.00 if ineligible for subsidy)