• Course name One Man Bench Operation
    Duration 1 week
    This course is aimed at achieving high grade recovery and optimum utilisation of slabs, cants and flitches presented by the headrig. This requires an understanding of methods available for minimising the effect of stress in a log and in techniques associated with counteracting distortion during the sawing process. Effective measures for containing defects and maximising defective material is included together with grading standards and there effect on sawn timber. 2-3 participants.
  • Will be by demonstration of skills and answering related questions.
  • Course Content
    1. Resawing Safety and Maintenance
    2. Resaw Bench Cutting/Running Conditions
    3. Resaw Bench Controls and Functions
    4. Recovery Optimisation Strategies
    5. Production Resawing Methods
  • Enrolment in FWP30311 Certificate III in Sawmilling & Processing
  • FWPCOT3212B Replace Saws, Blades and Guides (40 hrs) FWPSAW3202B Produce Sawn Green Boards (80 hrs)
  • FWP11 Pathways Chart
  • $1,500.00 per person ($12.50/sch including materials) 2014 VTG Subsidised: The student fee is indicative only and subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student services and amenities fees. Indicative Tuition Fee: $300.00 (State Government of Victoria Subsidised) Materials Fee: $100.00 Total Cost: $400.00 ($1,500.00 if ineligible for subsidy)