Course name | Wood Machinist Block 5 – Timber Grading – Monitor and Improve Processes |
Start | |
Duration | 2 weeks at Creswick with some assignment work |
This course is aimed at providing advanced communication, diagnostic and operating skills to refine and improve a companies’ moulding operation.
Will be by demonstration of skills and answering related questions.
1. Course Overview
2. Hardwood Timber Grading
3. Softwood Timber Grading
4. Specifying timber
5. Calculation of volumes and pricing
6. Cost Components
7. Measuring machine efficiency
8. Time/Motion Analysis
9. Continuous Improvement Techniques
10. Performance Review
11. Fault Diagnosis and Rectification
12. Course Summary
Enrolment in FWP30816 Certificate III in Wood Machining and FWP30311 Certificate III in Sawmilling and Processing
Note: Persons enrolling in this course must have significant previous experience in the operation of moulders and preferably have undertaken the Basic Production Planing and Moulding course or its equivalent. Assessment is available to persons requesting direct entry into the course.
FWPCOT2215B Visually stress grade hardwood (20 hrs)
FWPCOT2216B Visually stress grade softwood (20 hrs)
FWPCOT3214B Take off material quantities (30 hrs)
FWPCOT3247B Select timber for forestry operations (35 hrs)
FWPTMM3203 Estimate and Cost Job (40 hrs)
2015 Subsidised –
The student fee is indicative only and subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student services and amenities fees.
Indicative Tuition Fee $435.00 (State Government of Victoria Subsidised)
Materials Fee – $165.00
Total Cost $600.00 ($2,000.00 if ineligible for subsidy )