• Course name Saw Technology Block 1 – Trade Principles and Sharpening Knives and Hand Tools
    Duration 1 week at Creswick with some assignment work

    1st year course. This course is aimed at providing basic skills associated with sharpening and aligning blades and knives and design of saw blades for cutting purposes. An introduction to hand sharpening is included. Maximum 8 participants.

  • Will be by demonstration of skills and answering related questions.

  • Content

    1. Maintain Saw Technology tools
    2. Sharpen and align blades and knives
    3. Apply principles of blade design to sawing procedures
    4. Hand sharpen knives and blades
  • Enrolment in FWP30711 Certificate III in Saw Technology

    Note: This block is only available to students undertaking the Saw Technology apprenticeship.

  • FWPCOT3211B Maintain Saw Technology tools (30 hrs)
    FWPCOT3233B Sharpen and align blades and knives (30 hrs)
    FWPSAW3228B Apply principles of blade design to sawing procedures (40 hrs)
    FWPCOT3201B INTRO- Hand sharpen knives and blades (20 hrs)

  • FWP11 Pathways Chart

  • 2014 Subsidised: The student fee is indicative only and subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student services and amenities fees.

    Indicative Tuition Fee: $300.00 (State Government of Victoria Subsidised)
    Total Cost: $300.00