• Course name Saw Technology Block 4 – Band and Circular Saw Maintenance 1
    Duration 1 week at Creswick with some assignment work

    2nd year course. This block develops skills in saw sharpening and introduces techniques for leveling, tensioning and welding. Maximum 6 participants.

  • Will be by demonstration of skills and answering related questions.

  • Content

    Sharpen bandsaws
    Sharpen circular saws
    File and set saws
    Level and tension circular saws
    Join bandsaw blades
    Maintain wide bandsaw blades
    Perform routine gas metal arc welding

  • Enrolment in FWP30711 Certificate III in Saw Technology

    Note: This block is only available to students undertaking the Saw Technology apprenticeship.

  • FWPSAW3207B Sharpen bandsaws (40 hrs)
    FWPSAW3208B Sharpen circular saws (30 hrs)
    FWPSAW3210B File and set saws (40 hrs)
    FWPSAW3213B INTRO- Level and tension circular saws (50 hrs)
    FWPSAW3214B INTRO- Join bandsaw blades (40 hrs)
    FWPSAW3220B INTRO- Maintain wide bandsaw blades (50 hrs)
    MEM05050B INTRO- Perform routine gas metal arc welding (20 hrs)

  • FWP11 Pathways Chart

  • 2014 Subsidised: The student fee is indicative only and subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student services and amenities fees.

    Indicative Tuition Fee: $675.00 (State Government of Victoria Subsidised)
    Total Cost: $675.00